Find a Better Deal on Luxury Hotels: We Beat Booking and Expedia

(And other Online Travel Websites)


Find a Better Deal on Luxury Hotels: We Beat Booking and Expedia

Welcome to our dedicated service for finding the best deals on luxury hotels! Tired of endlessly searching through or Expedia for that perfect luxury stay, only to wonder if you're really getting the best price? Look no further! Our mission is simple: to find you a better deal than Booking or Expedia for your luxury hotel stay.

How It Works

1. Copy and Paste Your Quote

It's as easy as 1-2-3! Start by copying and pasting your current quote from or Expedia. This quote should include all the details of your desired stay, such as the hotel name, dates, room type, and any other relevant information.

2. Wait 24 Hours for a FREE Quote

Once you've sent us your quote, sit back and relax. Our team of travel experts will get to work immediately, scouring the web and leveraging our exclusive partnerships with luxury hotels and travel agencies to find you a better deal. Within 24 hours, you'll receive a free quote from us. No hassle, no obligations.

3. We'll Send a Better Option If We Can Beat It

If we find a better option that beats your current quote, we'll send it to you straight away. You can review the new offer and decide if you want to book through us. Our goal is to save you money while ensuring you get the luxury experience you deserve.

Why Choose Us?

  • Expertise in Luxury Travel: Our team specialises in luxury accommodations and knows how to find the best deals and hidden gems that might not be available on major booking sites.

  • Exclusive Partnerships: We have partnerships with luxury hotels worldwide, giving us access to exclusive rates and deals that you won't find elsewhere.

  • Personalised Service: We provide a personalised experience tailored to your specific needs and preferences, ensuring you get exactly what you're looking for in your luxury stay.

  • Risk-Free: Our service is completely free to use. If we can't find you a better deal, you lose nothing.


"I was sceptical at first, but the deal I got through this service was incredible! I was given a free upgrade, $200 USD credit and breakfast in a five-star hotel in Paris." - Emily R.

"The team found me a fantastic deal on a luxury resort in the Maldives. The process was seamless, and the service was top-notch." - Michael T.

"Highly recommend this service to anyone looking for luxury accommodations. They beat my Expedia quote by a significant margin." - Sarah L.

Get Started Now!

Ready to find a better deal on your luxury hotel stay? Copy and paste your quote from or Expedia into our form, and let us do the rest. Experience the luxury you deserve at a price you'll love.